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  • Writer's pictureSONG INSURANCE AGENCY

Do I need Life Insurance? Is it Important?

Yes and yes.

Here are 5 reasons why you should have life insurance.

1. It will provide funds to your family to pay off a mortgage and not leave them with debts beyond their means.

2. It will help pay for final expenses. Costs for final expenses can be in the thousands of dollars. The last thing your family will want to think about when grieving is the cost of the memorial and funeral.

3. Provides protection for your estate. In most cases, your life insurance benefits are tax free and may offset any taxes associated with the estate that you have worked so hard for to build.

4. Provides safety for your children's future by paying for their education, like college tuition.

5. Allows your loved ones to go on living without having to worry about your lost income.

There are more reasons to get life insurance. Give us a a call to discuss.

Stay safe out there!

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